Our new header

Written by: Nicole Heusser

What takes three hours and about fifteen minutes, is extremely productive and takes place online?
Yes, you are right, it was our first committee meeting of the year.

Last Saturday, the new committee met for the first time. Andy VN, our new chair, started the meeting with an icebreaker activity.
She asked us:

“What one word comes up in your mind when you think of ELTAS?”
“In one sentence, what do you wish ELTAS to work on for the future?”

After this short activity and a warm welcome to our new committee member and busy secretary Vera, we got down to business.
We decided that we will have three subgroups in the committee and backups for each role in an effort to streamline meetings and processes.

Next up was Andy Y’s presentation with a lot of fresh ideas about the future of ELTAS’ marketing strategies and how it could all become more digital.

Michelle presented us with a list of content ideas for videos, mainly aimed at teachers. Those videos will tie in nicely with both our marketing plans and our endeavour to provide interesting content for our members.

Last year, we introduced the monthly feature article. Its main aim was to replace the newsletter. Since it was well received, we will continue with it. If you have not checked out Rebecca’s latest article, you can find it here. It is an interview with our former chair Katrin Beringer.

Karin mentioned that ever since we have switched to online workshops, we have not received as much feedback as usual. That is why she would like to introduce an online poll at the end of the workshops.
Of course, we all hope to have our normal, face-to-face workshops with networking opportunities and delicious event catering back rather sooner than later, but we are trying to make our online workshops as pleasant an experience as our Stuttgart based events.

By the way, did you notice that our website has a new look? Frances has put in a lot of work recently to declutter the front page.

I am looking forward to continuing to blog about our events, gatherings and meetings, but might have a bit less time to dedicate as I’m starting my nursing training in April.

Unfortunately Ingrid, our diligent treasurer, could not take part in the meeting. But Koi agreed she will support her in her work.

So yes, quite a lot of topics to go through, but Andy VN led us through the whole meeting with aplomb, making sure that we kept on track.

We rounded the meeting off by sharing our answers to the two questions Andy asked us in the beginning.

And now it’s over to you, dear reader: What would your word, your sentence be? Let us know in the comments below.