Written by: Nicole Heusser


I can’t believe it’s the end of January already!
We’re in the middle of the second lockdown, which means we still can’t meet in person, but thankfully, there are brilliant online workshops to be had!

Thank you, Laura Edwards for a great, inspiring workshop! It was a good mix of theory:

  • Why does fossilisation happen to both students and teachers?
  • Why are motivation and attitude so important for learning?
  • How can we counteract fossilisation?

In breakout groups we were able to share our own experiences and last but not least there was lots of practical advice shared by Laura as well as other workshops participants (e.g. keeping a reflective journal, feedback routines, memory talk, and exit ticket, to name but a few).

In the last part of the workshop, we were given a Dutch poem which we had to translate / figure out just with our existing (non Dutch) language knowledge and some clues from the accompanying picture.

Laura has provided us with a write-up of her workshop and it will be published as our February feature article.