Written by: Nicole Heusser

A lot has happened since our last committee meeting at the end of March. Somehow it seems that amidst all the chaos of the last three months, the members of ELTAS found their feet and adapted to the new situation!

The committee has used the last few months to improve and add more exciting features to the website, like our new Tech Chat and the Countering Corona page. (You will have to log in to participate.)

Also, the weekly Touch Base sessions have been a success and will be continued in the future, albeit a bit less often (probably once a month).

We also have plans to further improve our social media presence. More on that in another blog post soon.

So even though the first half of the year may have been a bit of a crazy ride for all of us, we’ve managed to harness our creative powers. True to the motto; we will prevail!

But as much as we’re getting used to meeting online, I think all of us really look forward to the day when we can meet in person again, be it for a committee meeting or a workshop!