Specific Learning Difficulties and English Language Teaching


18 Mar 2023    
14:00 - 16:30


Bookings closed


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Specific Learning Difficulties and English Language Teaching
Foreign language learning can be a challenge for students with learning difficulties. Mastering English, in particular, is described as even more demanding because of the intricacies of the English Language. This presentation will not only help teachers understand the difficulties these students face when learning English but also suggest appropriate teaching methods and techniques to make language learning an effective and rewarding experience for all students.  

Jenny Dooley:

President of Express Publishing, holds an M.Ed. from the University of Wales, Swansea. She has been a teacher, teacher trainer, and author in the ELT field for more than twenty years. She has travelled extensively, delivering seminars and holding workshops in Latin America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. She is the owner and manager of one of the piloting schools used by Express Publishing and is the president of H.E.C., a language exams distribution centre. She has also been influential in the creation of children’s theatre groups, which aim to stimulate young learners’ imaginations while enhancing their English language learning. Her research interests include: language acquisition in young learners; the application of the multiple intelligence theory in language learning; gamification in education; neuroscience; and modern assessment. She has been involved in the development of printed, audio-visual, animated and digital ELT material for more than two decades. Some of her latest publications are: Incredible 5, i Wonder, Right On and On Screen. She has also designed DigiBooks, a gamified LMS platform with ELT content.

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