Smart Practice - Strategies for adult students to potentialize self-study results by Marcela Harrisberger followed by AGM


18 Jan 2020    
14:00 - 18:30


Bookings closed


ISM (old)
Olgastrasse 86, Stuttgart, BW, 70182

Smart Practice – Strategies for adult students to potentialize self-study results based on neuroscience evidence of the brain function. 

Followed by ELTAS AGM at 5:30pm   (This Event is now being held at ISM, Olgastrasse 86!)

Adults are extremely busy and don’t have much time to study English at home. For this reason, the more prepared they are to practice the language effectively, the more results they will get from this little time they dedicate to their studies. In this workshop I talk about goals, focus and deliberate practice, how the mind works and why further practice is essential for learning to take place. I talk about how focus works and how we can enhance our capacity of focus to reach better learning results. I share strategies students can follow in order to organize their schedule to consistently practice the language at home. And I finish with the Smart Practice, how students can approach language studies in a more productive and effective way, based on neuroscience evidence of the brain function. The expected outcome of this workshop is to have teachers more aware of how the mind works and how we can use strategies to improve current behaviour in order to reach different results.

Marcela Harrisberger is an English teacher, a teacher trainer and a professional coach certified by the International Association of Coaching. She is Brazilian, but she is based in Germany. She holds a CELTA, a degree in Educational Psychology and another one in People Management. She teaches online and at the Volkshochschule.


Bookings are closed for this event.