
17 Apr 2021    
14:00 - 17:00

In this highly interactive workshop, I would like to share insights into the world of leadership development (the challenges leaders face and the training and coaching solutions I typically provide). We’ll explore the opportunities and challenges for ELT professionals to increase further the scope of their activity beyond language.

The workshop will also include a short introduction to Fierce Trainer. This is a new Certification programme for teachers developed by York Associates in conjunction with Fierce Inc (USA) which provides a highly credible approach and set of materials for those looking to step into the soft skills and leadership space.                                  

Bob Dignen is a director of York Associates and International Leadership Performance (ILP). He started in ELT but now works as an international coach, trainer and author in the field of international team and leadership development. As an author in the field of international communication, his publications include Leading International Projects, Kogan Page, Effective International Business Communication, Harper Collins and Communicating Across Cultures, Cambridge University Press.

Registration is via Doodle. Follow this link to register:  https://doodle.com/poll/aretp7x22ensm68m?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link