ELTAS Summer Workshop: Rachel Paling ICF Core Competencies & Klett!


29 Jun 2024    
13:00 - 18:00


On our easyVerein platform., Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, 70439

Join us for our ELTAS Summer Workshop Potluck!

At this year’s ELTAS Summer Workshop, we’re doing something a little different.  Our mainstage speaker, Rachel Paling, will address the ICF Common Core Competencies  integrated into language learning. Later we’ll have a 30-minute Business Impact book teaser by Klett. This will be an outdoor, but tent-covered event – keeping Murphy’s law in mind!  There will be tables and chairs so that you can be comfortable taking notes on what the speaker presents.

We’ll start off with our potluck at 1 pm and enjoy a summer lunch. Our mainstage speaker, Rachel Paling, will be  starting at 2 pm. Klett will have a table with books and later will give a teaser presentation on their new book Business Impact.  So bring a little something, come and enjoy an informative, yet relaxing, networking and professional development event!

The ELTAS Summer Workshop: International Coaching Federation (ICF) Common Core Competencies integrated into language learning.ELTAS Summer Workshop

There are aspects of professional coaching that can be incorporated into language teaching. In particular, ICF core competencies which were updated in 2020 can be fully integrated into the language learning process, to really enhance the learning; making it more effective and efficient. In addition, we’ll work on the structure of the goal and action setting plus periodic goal reviews, added to the use of coaching models and the PACT PQC for grammar and non grammar.

In this ELTAS summer workshop, teachers will learn tips to bring these ICF professional coaching competences and conversations into the classroom, helping to navigate emotional triggers and blocks with compassionate conversations and also how to understand what professional coaching competences are and how to apply them in our daily lessons.

The speaker:  Rachel Paling

Rachel founded Efficient Language Coaching in 2008. Having a BA Honours in Law/Spanish, Masters in Human Rights/Democratization (EMA), she is also a qualified UK Lawyer since 2003. Rachel has combined teaching, business English and legal knowledge to coach top executives across Europe and has created the new method and approach called Neurolanguage Coaching®, training just over 1500 language teachers worldwide certifying them with her course, one of the only language coaching certification courses in the world accredited by International Coach Federation USA. She is an ICF PCC Coach and also an ICF registered Coach Mentor and has an MA in Applied Neuroscience and a Master in Neuroeducation and Neuropsychology.

ELTAS Summer Workshop

Klett Book Teaser:ELTAS Summer Workshop


A Klett representative will present a 30-minute Business Impact Book Teaser . They will also have a table set up with some of their newest, hottest publications for you to have a look at right there! This is the perfect time to get suggestions for books or materials from Klett to complete your teaching library and to network with other teachers to find out what their library includes. 


Other German ELTA members/ all others: Please email with your request to attend. This event is in-person only. 

ELTAS MembersPlease register via easyVerein. Association code/Vereinskürzel: ELTAS. If for some reason the event is not scheduled, please advise
Login below, then click on “Appointments,” this will bring you to the events calendar. Click on the event, then click “Confirm, Participation is uncertain, or Refuse.” You can add a note, such as “bringing pasta salad” or “bringing dessert” or “bringing entree” or “bringing beverages.” 
(Should you have any difficulties logging in, just contact and it’ll get taken care of asap!)

Why not become a member for just €40,00 a year. Please use the contact form under Join Us and indicate that you have signed up for this event!!